How to use this framework with Visual Studio 2012?
Assuming the following directory structure
c:\sources\altona2 c:\source\altona2\altona2 c:\source\altona2\altona2\lib c:\source\altona2\altona2\base c:\source\altona2\altona2\gui c:\source\altona2\altona2\util .. c:\source\altona2\altona2\tools c:\source\altona2\altona2\examples c:\source\altona2\altona2\bin ... c:\source\altona2\MyProjects
- Add c:\source\altona2\altona2\bin\winx86 to your path (for shell and VS2012)
- run makeproject2 -r=c:\source\altona2
- this will create project files for altona and all projects in MyProjects
- you may need to restart visual studio and your command-line for this to work
- you will need yasm.exe in your path (The Yasm Modular Assembler Project)
- download it from
- you only need the exe, renamed to "yasm.exe", in your path
- you may just copy it into the altona2\bin\winx86 folder
- yasm is not used as a real assembler, but as a simple way to convert binaries to object files without printing hex-dumps to text files.
- try out the following projects:
- c:\source\altona2\altona2\examples\graphics\cube
- c:\source\altona2\altona2\examples\gui\window
- confirm the build is set to "debug_dx11", the "???_null" builds will not produce graphics.
- compile the project c:\source\altona2\altona2\tools\installer
- run it
- this will create the font-cache for altona applications
- create your own project
- copy one of the examples to your projects folder
- modify the *.mp.txt file to fit your project. change the name!
- run makeproject2 again to create project files according to the *.mp.txt files
- happy hacking
- be frustrated because there is no documentation.