A wrapper for the docker API. Currently supporting docker API v1.11
This supports only the http endpoint, not the UNIX socket endpoint.
Add clj-docker to your :dependencies
[com.palletops/clj-docker "0.2.0"]
There are several ways of using the api.
The simplest is to call the direct function wrappers.
(require '[com.palletops.docker :refer :all])
(def container-id "246aaf4361e770c7f76204cfc16e52f9d134d8cc9d5774b8fba65e0fc6fddd94")
(container-processes "http://your-docker-host:4243" {:id container-id})
For a more data based approach, you can use the docker
(require '[com.palletops.docker :refer :all])
(def container-id "246aaf4361e770c7f76204cfc16e52f9d134d8cc9d5774b8fba65e0fc6fddd94")
(docker "http://your-docker-host:4243" {:command :container-processes :id container-id})
Copyright © 2014 Hugo Duncan
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.