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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-11-07 17:34 已读 6191 次 1 赞  


立冬,二十四节气中的第十九个节气,标志着冬季的开始。随着气温骤降,北半球的寒冷气息愈加明显,万物开始进入休眠状态。大地变得宁静,白霜覆盖了草地和屋顶,仿佛为自然披上了一层银装。 6park.com

Lidong, or the Beginning of Winter, signifies the onset of the cold season. As the chill sets in, the temperatures drop sharply, and nature is subdued as earth is wrapped in a serene white blanket.

立冬是古代农耕文化中重要的节点,农民在这个时节开始收割和储存过冬的粮食。俗语说:“立冬到,冬储好。”这句话提醒人们要抓紧时间做好准备,以迎接寒冷的冬季。 6park.com

Lidong is an important marker in ancient agriculture, when farmers begin to harvest and store food for the winter. An old saying goes, "When Lidong arrives, prepare for winter storage", reminding people to make timely preparations for the cold season ahead.

在这一季节,许多地方有吃饺子的习俗。人们相信,饺子象征着团圆和温暖,能够为冬季带来好运。特别是在北方,立冬这天吃饺子已成为流行的传统。 6park.com

During this season, many places have a custom of eating jiaozi, or dumplings. People believe that they symbolize reunion and warmth, bringing good luck for the winter. Particularly in northern China, eating dumplings on Lidong has become a popular tradition.


让我们在这个立冬时节,感受冬日的宁静与思考,准备迎接新一年的希望,与家人朋友一同分享这季节更替的温暖与美丽。 6park.com

As we embrace the calm and reflection of Lidong, let us prepare for the cold season ahead and share the warmth and beauty of this seasonal transition with family and friends.

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