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The 4MB Expansion pack is made for the N64 console gaming system. It is inserted into the top of the front of the console. With the advancement of gaming though the years developers needed a way to have more RAM for textures. However, because it is not like a computer, developers could not ask their users to upgrade their components. Lucky for them, though, Nintendo had the foresight to include a port so someone could double the RAM in their machine, from 4MB of internal memory to that with the addition of 4 more megabytes. Games like Perfect Dark require it for most of the game and others need it just to start the game. However, use was somewhat limited but the games that needed were generally rated very well, making the investment worthwhile.
En dellos países seique esto nun seya posible llegalmente; nesti casu: mboverload da a cualesquier persona permisu pa usar esta obra pa cualesquier propósitu, ensin denguna condición, menos si eses condiciones requierense pola llei.
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